
About us

This site is created for having a place for education material and links.
If you find some typos or better ways of doing something on the site, feel free to fork the repo on GitHub and create a pull request!

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Our goal is to support learning to code, organising events and sharing materials.

LevelUP Koodarit was founded in May 2017. Vlada, the founder of the group, was looking for a job in IT after graduation, but the problem was that she hadn’t studied anything IT-related. It was then that she decided to learn on her own.

Studying alone was very hard, so Vlada started looking for others like her and some coding events. She noticed that there were some coding courses and events in Helsinki and also found some related groups and pages on Facebook. There wasn’t any group that was promoting long-term learning in form of support and active community, though, and that’s when she created LevelUP Koodarit.

After founding the group there has been several excursions to companies in IT and get-togethers with group members. Collaboration with Ohjelmisto- ja e-business ry resulted in Mimmit koodaa.

More information about Mimmit koodaa can be found here.
Facebook group “Ompeluseura LevelUP Koodarit” for women and people who belong to a gender minority can be found here.
Facebook group “LevelUP Koodarit” for everyone can be found here.